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Holding Hands

Nissi Cancer


Support, Love, Wellness and Hope for Cancer

Fighters and Survivors. 


Nissi Cancer Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization. Our purpose is to provide assistance, food to treat the body, treatment and prayer to treat the mind and spirit, Information, education and emotional support to people who are suffering from cancer. The organization provides a new prospective on life and healthy living. This organization is dedicated to be a voice and strength to those who are undergoing cancer treatment and cancer survivors. This Non-Profit program educates people to be in a position where as a team we can take a stand and fight this deadly disease.

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Nissi cancer Foundation is a dynamic fast – changing health care environment for cancer patients and cancer survivors. There is this inner powerful motivator that is within each one of us. This instinct, a strong innate drive to survive, the fight-or-flight response, the drive to thrive, and the urge to protect and prevail, which we do not know existed in us until we are face with battles, trials or tribulations. We have power! Together, we will overcome!

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